Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The End? Almost?

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway"
-Kelly Clarkson, Breakaway

I stilllllll will be updating about the last week of Institute with pictures and the what not, however not right now!  So sorry!  I am however posting, as this is the last night I will be sitting in the Lawler-Harkins Dorm at Delta State University in this little twin bed.  It's been a long, crazy, fun, restless, tiring, exhausting, knowledgeable, enjoyable, irritating, sleepless, ridiculous, wonderful, hot, humid, cold, fun, but most importantly- TRANSFORMATIONAL month and a half.  It's hard to believe this training will be over by this point tomorrow night.  I still am looking for housing, have a lot to do with my house when I get home, figure out about moving my stuff, SEE YOU ALLLLLLL (for the most part) HUG my animals, figure out how I am getting back to the South and of course, eat EVERYTHING in site!


All I can say is I made it, and that counts for something.  Everyone else made it (that I hang out with)  and that counts for something.  More importantly, the students made it for a summer with all of us teaching them, and learned.  That REALLY counts for something.  

Thank you Teach For America for a one of a kind experience that will continue to spill over into the next two years as we all teach, and even on into our lives whether we stay in classrooms, move forward in school, careers, or up in the school system.  For now, my heart is in the classroom- right where I've always thought I was meant to be.  Let's do this!

Love you all from the Delta and back, for the next couple nights!  Then I'll be loving you all straight from my home in good ole North Carolina =)

(and that other post willllll make it, soon enough!)

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