Hello, hello! It has been a while... once again. I'm on my school laptop so I can't get any new pictures up at the moment, however I am going to try to email you all some videos/pictures soon that you should enjoy. (Also- Eric- I finally found comments you left me! Hahahah thanks so much! Maybe now it will work when you leave them?!)
Anyhow, since I am about to wrap up the FIRST NINE WEEKS with my kiddos, I figured I would post a video of one of the many letter songs we watch on a daily basis! We have learned the letters Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww, and Yy. Believe me, there is a song for every letter. Then there are songs for double letters or blends, like Sh. They really enjoy them though so we use them! Hope you enjoy that one! (Feel free to go to schooltube.com and search "The Letter ___ Song" you can have more fun singing along, just like we do! Wfe've also learned our site words- we, see, me, to, the, and, I, is, a, like, cat, dog. We're learned our left from our right, what periods, question marks, exclamation marks are, uppercase and lowercase letters, beginning, middle and end of a book, the author and illustrator, parts of a book, and using pictures to help us figure out what a story is about!
In math we are also doing lots of fun and exciting songs as well. The one above happens to be their favorite! I've gotten them were the literally freeze completely until it says Dance! Shake Your Grove Thang! They enjoy that most! We've also learned to count to 50 with a song, count by tens, and we're starting to count by fives. This nine weeks we have learned....or are still perfecting I should say--how to write our numbers 1-25, how to sort by color, shape, size, (and texture in science), we've learned our shapes- rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres, as well as our colors!
We've been perfecting writing, and use "spacemen" (a plastice spoon that has a smily face on the part where you put your hand that they can use to space, and a star in the part you would put in your mouth, they know that is where their finger goes. They place the end of the spoon after a word they have written or a number to make a space before their next word or number. If they happen to put the part you would eat off as the space-there is a sad face because they arent using the spaceman correctly and he is upset!) It's amazing how much they love a plastic spoon when it has a special name, and how much they WANT to use it. Several of them opted to write during recess instead of play games inside one day when it was raining.
We're learning how to be good citizens, what voting is (which by the way- between pizza, cookies, and chicken-kindergarteners still vote for pizza!) and figures of authority like firefighters and police officers! In science we've learned the seasons and sorting!
It's been a whirlwind of an adventure these first 8 weeks! Next week is week 9 and they have all of their testing to do! Behavior this week has made a turn for the best! My students have gotten compliments in the hall for their lines, and today I made them sit on a piece of paper. If the paper fell off their chair, it's because their bottom was up and not staying where it was supposed to. If it fell- they didn't get to choose if they wanted a sticker or to get their clip moved up. Only three lost their papers, and STILL tried to keep their bottoms in their chairs.
I'm nervous about the testing, but we'll make it. I stayed up most of the night last night getting individual papers wrote up for each student to take home this weekend with review work before their tests. Hopefully that will help some!
Many of you know I'm in the midst of one of the bigger decisions I've had to make in a while. If you don't know, I'll put it in the email. If I don't have your email, and you want emailed updates once in a blue moon-leave a comment with your email and I'll add you!
As far as life goes- it's pretty good. I'm still working to catch up from the move and am still working most weekend days to get back to where I need to be. I still am loving my parttime job at the country club and still feel like I couldn't have made a better decision there. I'll definitely be home for Christmas, if not Thanksgiving-if I can make it work. If not, save some days during the holiday-I have a lot of you to see, and expect some exciting adventures and meals, or just time to talk and catch up! I miss you all dearly. I'm pretty much going to bed super early, and getting up super early. This week I have left my house every day by 6am to get to school by 6:30am...craziness!
All right....I've rambled enough- Love ya, love ya, love ya~