Thursday, June 7, 2012

Goodbye North Carolina, Hello Mississippi..for 6 weeks

"And this is me praying that- 
This was the very first page- not where the story line ends.
 My thoughts will echo your name(s) until I see you again. 
These are the words I held back as I was leaving to say...
 I was enchanted to meet you."
-Taylor Swift, Enchanted

Alright, here it is!  Obviously I haven't done anything to the page, but I did want to get a start on writing about my experience here, and didn't want to wait too much longer.

To update some of you who may not know what I'm doing with my life.... I am now a Teach For America Corps Member, hopefully to be part of Americorps, and looking to start on my graduate degree within the next year!  As most of you know, I went to the University of North Carolina of Greensboro, and worked to obtain my degree in teaching!  (I succeeded; yay me!)  However- I went a different route a few years back and began managing one Bruster's Real Ice Cream store (where I had been working through-out college) and then stepped into an even bigger roll of over-seeing both stores in the area.

That part of my life lasted almost 6 years, 2.5 spent overseeing daily challenges of a business.  I then decided to wait tables at Outback for a while as I have always thought it would be fun!  You wouldn't believe the amount of memorization and training they put you through! (it was like a college exam all over again!)  

Now- here I am, currently living in a dorm room at Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi.  I took a leap of faith, applied to Teach For America and was blessed with this amazing opportunity to move back into the field of education.  I honestly had many emotions about all of this.  I was excited and shocked that I was accepted, nervous about knowing nothing about my future, where I would live, what I would do with MY house, funds for everything... yet here I am.  It has all fallen into place, and I'm still nervous and honestly a little scared of what this first year may be like, but then again, I was the same way before all the other big steps I took in life... and they've all worked out so far!

I was placed by Teach For America and will be living in Mississippi for at least the next two years.  I was hired at an elementary school outside of Clarksdale and will be teaching Kindergarten.  Luckily, I had an AMAZING teacher that I student taught with and some amazing classes through college that I'm sure will help, and am looking forward to diving into all of this.

I left Monday afternoon after a week and weekend of nothing but crazy busy-ness!  Luckily I had the opportunity to spend the week before with my family at the beach (for the WHOLE week!) and then had to jump in and really work the following week before induction.  I was able to see many of you who will be reading this and spend lots of time reminiscing, catching up, and talking about the future.  I had lots of time with my family, and this past weekend they really jumped in and helped save the day. (ie cleaning, yard sale, yard work, etc)  The good-byes were rough, but then again I'm horrible at good-byes anyhow.

Now to jump into the drive- I left Monday afternoon between 3-3:30pm, although my family would have preferred it be earlier.... We all know how last minute I am on leaving for things.  I always still make it though... =)  I had planned on driving straight through... its a 12-13 hr drive.  I ended up stopping a little outside Birmingham, Alabama and stayed the night, then got up and was on the road again by 9am.  Not long after I hit central time.

I have gained an hour, thought let me tell you... I'm super worn out.  The traveling, 1-hour difference, not used to early mornings, and lots of sitting for classes has taken its toll.  hahaha... I'll get on this morning schedule again soon!

Induction so far has been great.  Learning a lot about the area, meeting lots of people, and sleeping in a dorm again.  It's all be informative and helpful, and I think it will continue to only get better as the weeks progress.

Today we went into the community and heard a lot of school members and even students talk about different things, and how to be the best person we can be for them against the pre-conceived notions everyone has of Teach For America. Very beneficial.

Anyhow, to cut this off instantly... my alarm just went off and it's time for the next session of the day.  I'll update more later, and try to post the few pictures I have when I can!


  1. Hang in there, Amy. I'm sure you'll do great. We're all proud of you.


  2. Love the photos and the blog. It helps to aleviate the separation anxiety! :) Do you have a room to yourself or are you sharing? It looks live most every minute of your day is full. Try to get some rest when you can.
    xoxo Nana
